Ensuring the success of your business requires more than just trying to increase your sales. Creating a good business environment will go a long way in growing your company and making it more profitable and competitive. Creating a green business will not only help the environment, it will also help you to reduce costs and enhance business efficiency. If you are wondering how you can make your business green, the following tips will help.

Reduce energy to save money

One of the easiest ways to save energy while saving money is to make sure that all office equipment are switched off every night. Switch off your computers, printers and unplug phone chargers and other machines at the end of the day. You should make sure that all the lights are turned off when there is no one in the room. Encourage your employees to be vigilant in these areas and you will be on your way to saving energy and money. You should also think about running clean vehicles and reducing their usage. Inspect the heating and air conditioning and keep doors closed when using the systems.

Reducing waste to save money


Business waste can be very costly and according to research, it can cost up to 4% of the business annual turnover. Recycling is one of the best ways to reduce waste and there are many ways to do this. Using recycled or recyclable materials is a good place to start. By simply switching to biodegradable packaging, you can reduce your waste costs dramatically. You can also get the services of a recycling company to get rid of different equipment and items in your business. The recyclers deal with a wide range of hazardous waste like batteries and chemicals. They also recycle a wide range of office equipment.

Choosing green office products

Changing the products that you use will help you to protect the environment while helping your business to save money. Today, there are numerous green products available and you can benefit from quality as you enhance your business. If you are selling products, you can introduce features that will promote reusability of the items, or that will make them recyclable. This will not only help the environment, it will also help to sell your product. Think about issues like sending information via email instead of print, offering refills and printing on recycled paper.

Use plants to improve your environment

A beautiful and healthy environment will not only help to enhance the appearance of your workplace, it can help to improve productivity. Buy plants and use them to improve your office environment. Plants will make your office look great and they emit oxygen while absorbing airborne pollutants and other negative ions from office equipment like computers. Find out about the best indoor plants for your office and remember to consider any allergy issues.

There are other ways to make your business green and they include encouraging employees to carpool or to use public transport where possible. Remember that not all green initiatives will necessarily cost you nothing or save you money, but it is never a mistake to have a green business!